The whole name is Roasted Butternut Squash Salad with Curried Grapefruit Dressing This is quite tasty! The flavors are unique and have a nice zing!
Author: Melissa Baldan @mellymel74
This salad is a variation on a theme of the seven layer dip, only in a salad.Unknown source
Author: Lynnda Cloutier @eatygourmet
Easy and pretty. Present the salad in its "before" stage to your guests, and then toss. I usually "cheat" and add different vegetables as needed or desired. You can always switch this up and make it as...
Author: gale vineyard @galebarkley
My sister-in-law, Vicki, brought this salad to Christmas dinner one year. It was such a big hit, that we have served it at family get-togethers ever since.
Author: marla warden-holm @marlajo
Christmas is coming! As a matter of fact it is right around the corner. Are you ready to go? Do you have your dinner planned. This gorgeous salad comes together quickly and is always a hit. It pairs wonderfully...
Author: Beth Pierce
Makes a great light lunch and a perfect side to bbq and grilled meats.
Author: Daily Inspiration S
If you want an elegant little salad to enhance a special dinner or party, this is it. Picture a flower-arrangement of salad ingredients sitting in a tomato "bowl!" I saw this, many years ago, on some cooking...
Author: Patti Smith @webdolly
This was Daddy's favorite salad, now that I have children, it's Grampa's salad. We miss you Daddy!
Author: Carol Thompson @Akita
A sweet departure, indeed! This is a great addition to any summer meal. The recipe doesn't make a whole lot of dressing, so I would recommend at least doubling it... it's that good.
Author: Cyndi Tilley
I don't care for salad that you need to cut! I found that if I chop the veggies it adds so much to the whole taste. I started doing this and the comments were so positive. It also helps if you serve it...
Author: Marcia Paholski
This recipe is great for special occasions especially in the summertime. I found this recipe in one of my old cookbooks about 15 years ago and it has become a favorite. The recipe was never given out to...
Author: Phyl Fowler
This is absolutely delicious, and a nice summer salad with the strawberries in it. It is my favorite salad during strawberry season. A great seasonal salad!
Author: Jenni K
This is a family favorite and always goes over well at parties. Just be sure you make the dressing the night before, although if you forget and have time, you can make it the day of if you can let it sit...
Author: Sue Huhn
This salad is fast to prepare or may be prepped ahead of time and quickly tossed together just before serving. My family also loves to eat the leftover salad the next day, which is why I always make a...
Author: Barbara Pace
This salad is so good you will be licking the vinaigrette out of the bottom of your salad bowl! It is sweet, savory and spicy all in one!
Author: Leah Stacey @CookingMaven
we ate this often as kids,fresh grown from the garden had to call sis to get all that went in dressin beside bacon hubby had it for the first time ever tonight he liked it so do i hope u do too gonna try...
Author: Diane Eldridge
This is traditionally eaten with a salad with oil-and-vinegar dressing over the lentil-rice mixture, similar to a tostada without the tortilla.
Author: Joan Hunt @vegancook
My church has their annual board meeting every February and every February I'm asked to make this salad for them. I love this salad. Some people add chicken. Also, another salad dressing that goes great...
Author: Tara Waites
What a treat for the senses this salad is. It's fabulous to serve on just about any occasion from Sunday brunch to a holiday meal. There is just something classic about the flavors of fresh spinach and...
Author: Marie Guaragna @Guaragna
This is my friends favorite salad! I find this to be a very interesting combination of tastes and textures and is a great pairing with many main dishes. Add cooked chicken and make it a main dish. Be sure...
Author: joan edwards @jfe22
When I was young my mom and I went to a popular department store and ate at their lunch counter. They had a house spinach salad to die for. I was so lucky to acquire the recipe when I got married. This...
Author: JANE LOUISE @lovinspoonful
This is a fantastic recipe that consists of so many different flavors you will be very impressed. The combination of orange flavored vinaigrette and prosciutto will make your mouth happy. Side Notes: The...
Author: Amanda Smith @Smithal70
Fresh and creamy all at the same time, this tasty salad could easily become a satisfying meal with the addition of some grilled chicken.
Author: Jennifer Smith @JSmith1966
Whenever I'm in a hurry, I pull out this recipe. It's easy to put together and you can make the dressing ahead.Just shake the dressing before you pour it on the salad.Source: Unknown
Author: Lynnda Cloutier @eatygourmet
When my 4 children were young I never could seem to get them to eat salad till I came up w/ this recipe. I told them that in Hawaii, this is everyone's favorite salad (slight fib), and it seemed to work....
Author: Jeanne Gray
This is my version of a recipe I found from Rachel Ray. It's sweet and delicious!
Author: Lindsey McCue
This recipe is one I found back 2007 and with a couple of additions and adjustments it has become a highly requested addition to every holiday event especially Easter dinner. In our Italian American family...
Author: Joanna Gotwald @Furkidlover
My Aunt Agnes always served salad this way. With many finiky eaters in the family it is easy for each person to have just exactly the salad they want.
Author: Elizabeth Bones @larosachina
This salad is out of this world! It satisfies all your tastes...sweet, sour, salty and bitter. The slightly thick, sweet and pungent poppy seed dressing, mild bitterness of certain varieties of greens,...
Author: Melissa K Hand @MissyIsCookin
One of those recipes that you can make a day ahead and get out of your way and not be pressed for time the day of your dinner party or social event. I have had this recipe for over 20 years and it is still...
Author: Kelli Harvey @WVKel
Yummilicious! The beautiful vibrant colors will draw you in to this dish for a closer look. When I finally dug into the beautiful salad, I said to myself, "WOW, this recipe has Blue Ribbon written all...
Author: Gloria Gasperson'Giddings @MsGlo
This salad is always a hit and you can serve it with almost any entree!
Author: mary Armstrong
My mother in-law found this recipe for me to try at our Christmas eve cooking contest! It is so fantastic! If you like creamy caesar dressing you will love this! Needless to say, we won the contest!!!...
Author: Lindsey McCue
Sweet and tangy, just the perfect autumn salad. from a very old cookbook
Author: Lynnda Cloutier
I love taco salad. I have put a different spin on it and I can't eat it any other way now. I use Frito's or generic corn chips instead of tortilla chips , I also use cumin instead of taco seasoning because...
Author: Marcia Lesman @marcialesman
I love Qdoba's salad and have made them at home using purchased guacamole, pico de gallo and corn and bean salsa. I sometimes use less chips and cheese to lighten the calories.
Author: Carolyn Haas @Linky1
Grandma had this recipe in the recipe box I inherited. I remember eating this salad as a child, and now enjoy it as an adult!
Author: Megan Stewart @GSMegan
Grilled sweet pears with the spicy mustard and pungent creamy cheese make for a fantastic contrast in taste and textures. Served this at a dinner party and everyone loved it.
Author: Jennifer Daskevich @dasky
This salad is a variation on a theme of the seven layer dip, only in a salad.Unknown source
Author: Lynnda Cloutier @eatygourmet
I've had this recipe for many years. It was given to me by two Amish sisters who lived in the tiny community where I grew up.
Author: Laura Yoder @lkyoder34
All these veggies can be planted early and like cool temps. My daughter loved this and asked for it 3 nights in a row!
Author: Kris Pate @Crazee4daisys
I love this salad and the dressing is a copy cat recipe from El Pollo Loco,these are some of my favorite ingredients for the salad,you can add others,sometimes I add olives, tortilla chip strips. Leftover...
Author: L D @windella
I really love the dressing for this salad. You have a hint of sweetness from the maple syrup balanced out by the acidity from the white balsamic. There are so many textures in this salad your taste buds...
Author: Sher Bird @Litehouse9
Perfect ThanksGiving/Christmas salad! And VERY virsatile. Make it your own by using whatever lettuce, cheese and nuts you prefer. The colors are so festive and it's the dressing that makes it!
Author: kim * @Bakerella
A nice tossed salad that goes well with any thing.We love having it with steak. This is a family favorite. A great way to get them to eat their greens.
Author: joeyjoan K @chachi